Ms. Ruby Morrison

I can hear her praying for her children! As she prays, her voice gets louder as if she was Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel (1:10). You could hear the sincerity in her voice and could see the tears in her eyes. Ruby often talked to the Lord, but nothing like she did the morning of September, 17, 2021. She was ready and she made no qualms about it. She called out to Him and told Him she was ready. She knew the Lord and this was a conversation she had for weeks with her children. She spent time preparing them for this day. “Don’t mourn for me, she would say.” I will be ready when He calls. On Friday, September 17, she joined the Lord for her journey home. Perhaps, He said, you must rest for a while, as He told Daniel, but she was on a journey to the kingdom. She talked about seeing those who had already transitioned: her mother, Queen Victoria McQueen; and her father, Eph McQueen; her three brothers, Will, Ephraim, and Jim McQueen. She talked about her husband, Aaron Morrison, Sr. She especially talked about her son, Aaron Morrison, Jr., who had transitioned a week before her. Her heart ached to see him again. Ruby was the Matriarch of the family. She instilled religious values in each of her children; she taught honesty; she held up the family history and taught each of children to work hard. She would quote the scripture from 2 Thessalonians 3:10: “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” Ruby worked hard throughout her life. She was a nurse assistant at Florida A&M University Hospital in Tallahassee, Florida. She took advantage of her exceptional skills as a business woman. She opened a restaurant and obtained a contract to feed the men building interstate I-10. The restaurant became popular in three counties. She closed the restaurant to spend more time with her children. She worked for the State of Florida in the “food and nutrition extension program”. Ruby loved to help people and she found many opportunities to teach and mentor others. Ruby leaves to mourn her transition: her daughter, Geraldine Kelly (James); her three sons, Rex Morrison (Gina) and Reginald Morrison and Roy Williams. She leaves four grandchildren: Yolanda Ervin; Regina Wilkins (Charles); Marlon Morrison and David Morrison. She leaves two great-grands: Olivia Wilkins and Charlie Wilkins. In her journey in life, she had a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. There were special friends that she loved and spent time with over the years. To each of you, she always acknowledged your special relationships with admiration. We thank each of you!

Services: Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Grave Side Services @ 10:00 AM
Rest Haven Cemetery
2500 State Highway 66 East
Rockwall, TX 75087

2 Replies to “Ms. Ruby Morrison”

  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve your loss. God bless you and keep you in your time of sorrow.

    For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
    Isaiah 41:13

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