Mr. Doyle Eugene Judkins

Mr. Doyle Judkins was born in Dallas, Texas on March 27, 1960 and died in Kaufman, Tx on February 24, 2021.  Mr. Judkins was a long time resident of Kaufman Co. and will be cherish by his Wife, and other relatives and friends.

One Reply to “Mr. Doyle Eugene Judkins”

  1. This man was my grandpa and what people dont know is he was a united states marine and is the reason why i am going to the marines, he then proceed to also become a cop, cop dog trainer, and a prison guard all while have a straight knee. The reason why he had a straight knee was because he was shot and had to crawl 2 miles to the nearest house with his leg hanging on by a piece of skin and then he died but paramedics brought him back and put a metal bar through his leg and cut some of his other knee off, he has died and came back 2 other times to, one heart attack and when he was a kid his appendix burst. He also dove into a lake after watching a car drive off the road straight in and he proceeded to save them when he was a kid. He was a hero sense birth. Even though his whole body was hurting 24/7 and he had straight leg and a defibrillator he did construction even after the doctors told him he was not able to work until the day he passed. The reason i said all this is because I know everyone says there grandpa was a strong man but this man is the strongest of them all.

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